Information library for preschool age
Here are some books about dementia and kids
- My book about brains, change and dementia - Lynda Moore and George Haddon
Ages 3+
What is a brain? What does dementia do to the brain? What changes might you notice if your parent, grandparent, family member or friend has dementia? What can help you if it gets tough for you sometimes? - Celia & Nonna - Victoria Lane & Kayleen West
Ages 3+
Celia loves sleepovers at her grandmother’s house. There are so many fun things to do.
But everything changes when her grandmother moves to a new home. Clever Celia decides to help make the move easier...
- Still My Grandma - Veronique Van den Abeele
Ages 4+
Camille and Grandma have sleepovers, bake cupcakes, and go shopping together. But one day Grandma forgets Camille's name. Then she can't remember where to put her shoes. Camille learns that her grandma has Alzheimer's disease, which is what makes her do strange things. - Really and Truly: A story about dementia - Emilie Rivard & Anne-Claire Delisle
Ages 4+
Charlie is very close to his grandfather, who loves to tell fanciful stories about pirates, witches, and gnomes that amuse Charlie to no end. But lately, Charlie's grandpa doesn't have any new stories to tell — in fact, on some days grandpa doesn't even recognise Charlie. A disease has stolen grandpa's memories, his appetite, and even his smile.. - Cry, Heart, But Never Break - Glenn Ringtved, illustrated by Charlotte Pardi
An ingenious and heart-warming story which gently introduces death as a necessary part of life. Death himself is characterised as patient and kind; each of the children responds to his presence in their home in their own unique way. Concepts of teamwork and individuality, denial and acceptance, sorrow and joy, grief and hope are all here in this delightful book.
- Take the Time: Mindfulness for kids - Maud Roegiers All ages
When everything is topsy turvy what do you notice when you take the time to slow down, think and listen?
- Beginnings and Endings with Lifetimes in between - Bryan Mellonie & Robert Ingpen
Have you ever wondered why a butterfly lives for only a few weeks? Or why a tree lives for hundreds of year? You may have been sad when someone in your family, or a favourite pet became sick and died. There is a beginning and an ending to everything that is alive. In between is a lifetime. Dying is a much a part of living as being born.
View an online YouTube version of Beginnings and Endings with Lifetimes in between
Check out this video too!

Places to get information
Want to find out more?
For more information about how to help kids who are impacted by dementia, check out our adults section.