Home life

Dementia can affect almost every aspect of everyday life. But there are things you can do to make home life safer and easier, so you can keep living the best life you can.
- Eating
Dementia can affect your ability to enjoy food or eat. Learn why this happens and what you can do to eat well.
- Living alone
You may still be able to live by yourself if you’ve been diagnosed with dementia. But you might need to make some changes. These are some things to consider.
- Home care
Home care services support your daily activities, helping you to live independently for longer. Learn more about home care services and government-funded support.
- Looking after yourself
By looking after your mind and body, you can continue to live the best live you can with dementia and reduce your need for extra care.
- Walking safely
You don’t need to stop walking if you’ve been diagnosed with dementia. These are things you can do to stay safe and reduce your chance of getting lost.
- Getting dressed
Dementia can make it more difficult to get dressed or undressed. Find out what you can do to make the process easier.
- Creating a dementia-friendly home
Your home is where you should feel most safe, confident and comfortable. Learn how you can make your home more dementia-friendly.
- Tools and aids to help at home
Dementia can make everyday life harder. But there are tools, aids and technology that can help you live the best life you can.
- Continence
Incontinence is when you have trouble controlling your bladder or bowel. Learn about continence and dementia, and discover tips to help you manage continence issues.
- The Dementia-Friendly Home app
The Dementia-Friendly Home app uses interactive 3D game technology to provide users with ideas to make their home more accessible for people living with dementia.
- Creating a dementia-friendly home
Your home is where you should feel most safe, confident and comfortable. Learn how you can make your home more dementia-friendly.
- Tools and aids to help at home
Dementia can make everyday life harder. But there are tools, aids and technology that can help you live the best life you can.
- Activities for people with dementia
Stimulating activities help people living with dementia stay engaged and motivated. Here are some tips and ideas to make activities more enjoyable for everyone.