Information library for age 5 to 8
Here are some books about dementia and kids.
- My book about brains, change and dementia - Lynda Moore and George Haddon
What is a brain? What does dementia do to the brain? What changes might you notice if your parent, grandparent, family member or friend has dementia? What can help you if it gets tough for you sometimes?
- Under the rose bush - Jane Fry & Sandi Harrold
Zoe and her granny are great friends. They share games, stories and love spending time in Granny’s wonderful rose garden. One day, Granny’s keys refused to be found, and this starts to happen over and over again. Granny would get very upset. Soon Granny couldn’t live by herself anymore.
- Getting to Know Ruben Plotnick - Roz Rosenbluth
When the coolest kid in the class drops by David's house after school, David is worried about how popular, zany Ruben Plotnick will react upon meeting unpredictable Grandma Rosie. Will he make fun of her to his classmates? Will he imitate her whispery voice? What will he do if Grandma Rosie suddenly wants to dance? To his surprise, and relief, David learns that although Ruben may be a joker, he and Grandma Rosie get along really well.
- Do You Remember? - Kelly O’Gara & Anna McNeil
A little mouse helps his grandmother to remember happy times by painting pictures of the stories they shared and covering the hilltops with them.
- Sachiko Means Happiness - K. Sakai
Although at first five-year-old Sachiko is upset when her grandmother no longer recognises her, she grows to understand that they can still be happy together.
- Lucas and Jack - Ellie Royce & Andrew McLean.
Every week Lucas' mum visits Great Grandpop at the nursing home. And every week Lucas waits for her outside. Waiting is boring! Until Lucas meets Jack. Jack is tricky and Jack is fun, and he is a great storyteller.
- My Gran’s Different - Sue Lawson & Caroline Magerl
Sophie's Nanna bakes sponge cakes as high as my school bag ...Jonty's Granny catches the train to the footy every week ...Raffie's Nonna drives a florist van. But my Gran's different ...Each grandmother is different, but all are special. Some love footy, some love cakes, others work all week. But what if your Gran was more different than the others? Really different?
- The smell of chocolate and Pog’s Alzheimer fact file - B. McGuire
Welcome to Pog’s world! A world of midnight cakes and moonlight songs. When Ben’s grandfather, Pog, decides that midnight is a good time to bake a cake to prepare for the arrival of the Queen … the story is just beginning.
- Striped shirts and Flowered pants - Barbara Schnurbush
Libby and Nana love to read stories and colour pictures together. They plant the garden in spring and feed the songbirds. But Libby notices that Nana is forgetting the words in books. She's mixing up the names of birds. She's wearing clothes that don't match. What's going on? When Libby's parents tell her about Alzheimer's disease, she begins to understand what is happening to Nana.
- Cry, Heart, But Never Break - Glenn Ringtved, illustrated by Charlotte Pardi
An ingenious and heart-warming story which gently introduces death as a necessary part of life. Death himself is characterised as patient and kind; each of the children responds to his presence in their home in their own unique way. Concepts of teamwork and individuality, denial and acceptance, sorrow and joy, grief and hope are all here in this delightful book.
- Take the Time: Mindfulness for kids - Maud Roegiers
For all ages. When everything is topsy turvy what do you notice when you take the time to slow down, think and listen?
Check out this video too!
- Beginnings and Endings with Lifetimes in between - Bryan Mellonie & Robert Ingpen
Have you ever wondered why a butterfly lives for only a few weeks? Or why a tree lives for hundreds of year? You may have been sad when someone in your family, or a favourite pet became sick and died. There is a beginning and an ending to everything that is alive. In between is a lifetime. Dying is a much a part of living as being born.
View an online YouTube version of Beginnings and Endings with Lifetimes in between
Check out this video too!

Places to get information
There is lots of stuff on this website. When you’re finished here, you can check out another website for kids
Kids Helpline – tips and stories about things that matter to you.
Click on the links below to check out our dementia downloadables, full of fun stuff for you to try: