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To make the application process as smooth as possible please read all eligibility criteria and other information in the Information for Applicants document provided.

It is also worth taking a look at some of our researchers previously funded.

Project Grants, Fellowships and Stipend - Booklet

Travel Grants - Booklet

Research Translation Grant - Booklet

Online application

Applications must be submitted online via an application portal available through the Dementia Australia Research Foundation website. The portal will close at the advertised closing date, after which applicants will not be able to upload or modify any part of their application.

Please note that applications can be saved and resumed at a later date. A link that is valid for 30 days will be sent to the email address provided – for continued access over the submission period, applicants should regularly save their work and ensure that the most recent link is used each time they return to their application.  

Supporting documents and required attachments

As well as completing an online application form, applicants must upload the following supporting documents (in PDF format, following naming conventions) on the application portal (where applicable):

  • Official record of PhD or equivalent higher degree
  • Academic career summary
  • Detailed research proposal
  • Career progression statement (for fellowship and stipend applications only)
  • Evidence of ethics approval (if available)
  • Letter of support (for travel grant applications only)
  • Endorsement Form(s) 

Endorsement forms 

Endorsement Form - Travel Grant

Endorsement Form - Research Translation Grant

Endorsement Form - Post-Graduate Stipend

Endorsement Form - Project Grant 

Endorsement Form - Post-doctoral Fellowship

Endorsement Form - Mid-career Research Fellowship

Application templates

A template of the 2024 Dementia Grants Program application form is provided as a Word document below. This will allow applicants to view each section of the form and/or work on the application offline.

Project Grants, Fellowships and Stipend 

Travel Grant

Research Translation Grant

Further Information

For further information about the 2024 Dementia Grants Program or the application process please contact us at

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Last updated
30 July 2024