Applying a problem solving approach to behaviours
This workshop delivered to your team who support people living with dementia provides an understanding of changed behaviours related to dementia, their impact and contributing factors. Your team will learn how to apply a systematic approach to problem solving changed behaviours and provide positive support strategies for people living with dementia.

Suitable for: Aged care, Allied health, Disability care, Home and community care, Hospitals, Retirement living, Disability care staff, Diversional therapists, Facility managers/coordinators, Lifestyle officers, Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, Registered nurses, Residential care workers
Course type: Changed behaviours and management, Foundation training
Duration: Face-to-face: three hours; online: two hours
Delivery mode: Face-to-face, Online
Location: All states and territories, Online
Virtual classrooms
Most of our education courses are now available online. Our virtual classroom sessions are hosted on Zoom, with interactive elements such as polling and break-out rooms. Virtual classrooms provide an opportunity for inter-team learning, which benefits organisations with staff across different locations. This mode of learning is easy to implement and saves time and money by removing the need for travel. If you are new to this mode of learning, we can work with you to ensure you have what you need to make this a success.
Program benefits
Early signs
Staff learn how to recognise the early signs of changed behaviours and understand the contributing factors.
Reduce risk
Your workforce can confidently recognise and reduce risks associated with dementia and changed behaviour.
Sources of stress
People living with dementia have sources of stress recognised early.
Book in your staff
This enquiry form is for group bookings.
If you want to book this course for your staff, fill in the form below.
If you're looking for training for yourself as an individual, see our professional development and training page for individual health workers.