The sooner you know, the more you can do
If you or a loved one have concerns about changes to memory, mood or thinking, there is support and information to help you.

Your memory, mood and thinking checklist
Our memory, mood and thinking change all the time. Some days we’re sharp and cheerful, others we can be forgetful or have ‘brain fog’. That’s normal for everyone.
But if you’ve noticed a pattern of changes in yourself or someone you care for, it’s a good idea to reach out for help early. The sooner you know, the more you can do.
If you have concerns about changes in yourself, or in a family member or friend, complete the checklist below. It isn’t a medical test or a diagnostic tool, so it won't give you official results. It's just a way to help you decide what to do next.
What you can do next
The Dementia Australia website is also full of useful information. Here are three places to start:
- Reducing your risk of dementia
The better you treat your brain, the stronger it will stay as you age, and the lower your chance of developing dementia. Here's how.
- Early warning signs
Learn the most common early signs of dementia, how to notice them, and what you can do if they happen to you.
- What is dementia and how to get support
Dementia is a brain condition. It’s not a normal part of ageing. Learn more about what dementia is, its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and support.